Workout of day 5

Friday, July 31, 2009 , 0 Comments

Today was Saturday and I am glad that it's a weekend! I get to get up 1 hour later and I do not need to worry about rushing to school and etc. I wasn't happy about today's workout because towards the end, my side planks and jackknife really sucked. I was pretty dissapointed. Anyway,here's my bodyweight exercises Supersets.

Workout A

Warm up Circuit:
Go through 2 times with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds between circuits
• Prisoner squat – 12 repetitions
• Kneeling pushups - 8 repetitions

Warm-up Superset
1A) Sumo Squat – 8 repetitions
• No Rest
1B) Kneeling Pushups – 8 repetitions
• Rest 1 minute & move on to superset #1

Superset # 1
1A) Sumo Squat – 10 repetitions
• No Rest
1B) Kneeling Pushups (ala CB ‘more pushups’ style) – 12 repetitions
• Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets

Superset #2
2A) Stability Ball Leg Curl – 15 repetitions
• No Rest
2B) Bench Dips – 8 repetitions
• Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets

Superset #3
3A) Stability Ball Jackknife – 10 repetitions
• No Rest
3B) Side Plank – 20 seconds
• Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets

The above supersets are what I would love to be able to hit at. My kneeling pushup have been altered and I've done it 'ala' CB (it's Craig Ballantyne,not C** B**. LOL) style. I manage to do about 5 at the beginning, and towards the end, it went down to only 3. Pretty dissapointed but it's okay. The pushups is something like this :
You would use 5 seconds to lower yourself down and then 1 second to push youself up. This is a killer workout and it's much more harder than if you just bob up and down when doing your pushups. Just try it.

Anyway, my leg curls was pretty good because I got up to 14 at the first try and then slowly down to 13 and 12. Although it's gradually decreasing but still,at least, it was better than the other bodyweights I did. Bench dips was a new workout I tried and it was hell crazyyyyyyy!!! I didn't get to do all 8 but managed to do 3-5 reps per set. Not tad bad.

Jackknife sucked. Really sucked. After not even 3...I fell off the stability ball. It was quite a challenge and I think I need a new stability ball because the one I'm having,belongs to my bro, not that he uses it (he used to sit on it the last time because his butt hurt,for some reason so he bought the stability ball to sit on it.) and so, I took it and found out that it was too big for me. He's much much taller than me. About 20cm more.

My side plank pretty sucked too! I didn't get up to 20 seconds.

After all those hefty sweat draining workouts, I went to my usual HIIT 20 minute run and boy, when I got home, my thigh was sore like hell, and tomorrow, it's going to hurt more. *omg...*

Alright,that's for the workout today and so,

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.