Workout of day 3

Friday, July 31, 2009 , 0 Comments

I had my workouts yesterday and I since I was pretty busy with stuffs, I had to post it today.Anyway, here are my workouts. =D I woke up 20 minutes late. What a bummer.

Workout B

Warm up Circuit:
Go through 2 times with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds between circuits
• Prisoner squat – 12 repetitions
• Kneeling pushups - 7 repetitions

Warm-up Superset
1A) Stick-up – 8 reps
• No Rest
1B) Crab Dips – 8 reps
• Rest 1 minute & move on to superset #1

Superset #1
1A) Stick-ups – 15 reps
• No Rest
1B) Crab Dips – 12 reps
• Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets

Superset #2
2A) Stability ball back extension – 10 reps
• No Rest
2B) Plank Twist With Dog Split – 12 reps
• Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets

Superset #3
3A) Plank – 30 sec
• No Rest
3B) 1 leg half squat – 5 reps
• Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 superset

I realized that something was pretty wrong with the workout when I started a SS #1 (short for superset.) I think my muscle targets the same at both exercise which is bad because I can't do the crab dips properly.Sh*t! I need some tweaking on that particular system again. *sob*

Anyway, since I woke up like 20 minutes late, I knew I didn't had enough time to do my HIIT fully and so I skipped about 6 minutes or warming up and warming down.I took 3 minutes from both. It's just a light jog before I really start on the really intense runs.

If you aren't very fammiliar with HIIT runs, here's how I usually do it.
  • 5 minutes of light jog (this is for 'warm up')

Alternate between the 2 below for about 4 times:
  • 2 minutes run (At a pace where you can hardly breathe)
  • 2 minutes active rest (at a pace where you jog but slightly faster than the 'warm ups')

Warm down:
  • 5 minutes of light jog (this is for 'warm down')

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.