Internet prob

Saturday, August 08, 2009 , , 0 Comments

Great! Yea, I know I hadn't been blogging,updating my fitness journal and stuff because my internet is down. I'm soooo sorry for not being able to update!

By the way, I'm so glad dad treated me to the net because,well, at least I am able to update a lil,not too much but nonetheless, it is better than no updates.

By the way, We had 'Career Day' the other day at my school and it was pretty great, not really fancy and great but I pretty much like it. I was looking for universities/college that is offering science like Physics but to no avail,there is none particular to Physics only but I found something that stated 'Natural Science'. I've no idea what that is but well, I guess the only way to find out is throught the net and so,I'm going to do some research =)

By the way, today, after mom and I picked up some grocery at Carrefour, we exited the carpark and was ready to pay and since well,this is only our 2nd time using the carpark facility Carrefour had built, we were not quite sure with the system there. Mom hand the ticket to the guy in the counter and well, he said that my mom had to insert the ticket to a machine,together with his annoyed look and tone. My mom,being a little well...slow, I would say, couldn't really get it and was a lil klutzy looking. Since that guy flashed that annoyed look, I was annoyed with him,too,well,for being rude and since mom couldn't get it, my anger stir up, not because of mom but because of that guy's attitude of not being able to at least show a sign of willingness to help.

I pointed at mom about that machine he was talking about and my mom decided to reverse her car,unfortunatly, 2 more cars were behind her and so she honk. Since none of them moved,well,they probably didn't knew what mom wanted and so..I was fustrated, showed my temper and started scolding :" Gimme that! I'll do it. That guy's so rude!!" I got out of the car and insert the ticket to the machine. Then, decided to get into the car after mom drive her car. Boy, that bar thing (I don't know what it is called exactly but you know those thing at the carpark,where you have to pass through it when entering to get ticket, and only after you get the ticket,the bar like thing will open to let you pass through) almost hit me. I was mad already and well, that guy,whilst passing him, he, in a sarcastic tone said :"go,go,go" and so, I said:"Sh*t you!F**k you!, I raised my right hand and pointed my middle finger." *uh-oh* Heh, I was darn pissed off that time. Well, I'm bad-tempered. What can I say?

Alright, time's up and well, got to go! I hope my net will be okay soon~~!

till then,

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.