
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 , 0 Comments

HOLY CAMOLY!! okay, I admit that it's such a weird phrase but well anyway, I am hell-a glad that I've finally got back my PC.YAY! My bro updated something and so, we've this on and off problems and phew,fortunately it is finally o-kay! mmm...

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Well, many stuff had happen since the last update and I'm excited to say that I've a new pup! It's uber cute and it's a cross breed between *err..* I'm not sure. It's really naughty because it keeps biting us because well, like all babies, it needs something to bit and chew on to well... soothen their 'itchy-teeth', I'm not sure what do you exactly call those habits babies have that even puppy has and well, my mom coined that so well, there goes the credit. But, nevertheless, it's a really fun pup to play with and especially it being just too cute. :) It's name is Julius because he was born on the 7th of July 2009 and hence, the origin of July was Julius from the great Roman emperor Julius Caesar. I got it from my mom's friend's friend. Get it?

(image not ready, will have it taken once dad hand the cam back to me after his expedition to Laos)

okay,so during the holidays, I've done quite a lot to my roomie. Nothing much has changed just that I've clean and tidy up a lot that now, it is much more 'movable', as I would call it and much more user- friendly to me, that is.

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Other than that, I'm pleased to tell everyone that I'm finishing my hefty heavy book:The Face by Dean Koontz. It has a really well,boring beginning but a really epic middle and even towards the end part and boy, I really like the two main characters from that book : Aelfric Manheim (even his name sounds nice) and Ethan Truman.I'm pretty hooked up to this Ethan Truman guy mainly because he sounded so sweet.(err, I know that's so not me) Not in a romantic way (I don't like romantic stuff,for your information) but the attitude that was portrayed by the author was well, really nice.

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Besides, I've started taking bible classes and I find it pretty interesting.I've gotten to know more about my religion and it's really comfortable and I also got to know stuff that I already don't know.

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Er, that car that he took yesterday was his new car and I don't know what's the type but I'm aware it's a Black Honda that looked something like this.

Oh right and just yesterday, my bro met in an accident. The car is in really bad shape and fortunately my bro was not harm except that he's complaining his chest his pain. I assume he's talking about the sternum because he said the 'middle of my chest'. My mom pestered him to do an X-ray but he was a lil lazy and he dragged on till the afternoon. I'm not sure what happened to the other guy that was involved but according to my brother that guy was okay. There were so many things he needed to settle and complete so today was like a really hyper busy day for him. The car was in totally bad shape. The bumper of the car was gone, the windows were shattered and broken into pieces, both front seat and the rest I'm not too sure because I didn't take a close look to it and I assume the dashboard's windows are broken as well and fortunately, with science, the windshield was not broken into pieces because a protective layer has been added to prevent glass from shattering that could result in devastating damage. Imaging pieces of glass flying and of course, with that kind of impact, surely a few small pieces would cut through some part of your body, especially your face, the most subtle one.

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Nevertheless, we're all glad that my bro was all right. No broken limbs and etc. We assume that the car came from the passenger side of the front seat and well,maybe it was trying to turn into a junction or so and since it was in the night, visibility was terrible and it hit right through the passenger side of the front seat. Luckily

Alright, I guess that's it for today. I'll have to do some stuff later so,

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.