Me and my workout.

Thursday, December 10, 2009 , 0 Comments

Today's my last workout for the week and there's 2 days (plenty of rests for my tired,pumped out muscles) before my next workout. I admit that I haven't workout for so long already (that's why this blog page is so empty,it's collecting spider webs already) and I got to tell when I got back to gym, I went back to square one to where I started out.

My weight was the same when I first started and I did everything from square one. It felt good but I really sucked in the push ups. Everything was so flabby and my muscles aren't that good already. I felt so darn sad!

I noticed some changes to the Bukit Jalil gym and I have to tell you that the one way tinted glass is the best of all the changes. There're 2 extra equipments and I'd have to say, I haven't got the chance to try out that new threadmill machine. I wonder what's the new features? It got me wondering, why not they buy more sets of weights? *sigh* The last time when I was much more fit, and used heavier weights, I have to sort of like wait for the other guy to finish using it. It is so inconvenient.

Plus, I don't know why the h*ll did they take away (they already have INSUFFICIENT LOWER RANGE WEIGHTS dumb bells and now they take it off? What the..) the adjustable dumb bell weights! They have some other 'un-adjustable weights' (not sure what are they exactly called) but since I'm starting right back from square one, I wanted to start from something lighter. I was trying to find for a 5kg to do my squats but I only found 10 lbs. I was kind of pissed off.

They have adjustable barbells but I haven't figured out what kind of exercise would I do with a barbell to replace my dumb bell exercises. Plus, they only have like ONE (yes, the one and ONLY) barbell spotter available and mostly, those guys would dominate it. There IS another barbell available with knurls but I haven't tried it out with squat. I am afraid that with the knurls, it'd be uncomfortable if I perform squats.Usually I see those people who does squats used barbells without those knurls.

I know maybe some of you might think:" Change your gym center la..." I'd be glad to do that if I have this - $$. Mind you, if you don't know already, I'm still a budding student. I asked my parents to change to My fitness Center because they have SOOOO many other stuff for me to try and workout on but my mom say:" They don't have swimming pool like bukit jalil has. Your dad goes swimming and you know right?" I shrugged. I actually hated Bukit Jalil gym. It's so inadequate.Hey, we (as in my family,lol) don't pay 'peanuts' for the monthly membership at Bukit Jalil okay? I peeked at the Bukit Jalil statement and they charge a whooping RM110 per month!! What the??

I've got loads more to write but now, I've been too long on the computer. Better head back to homeworks.. *I've got loads.*

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.