Hari Pameran.

Monday, July 13, 2009 , , 0 Comments

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Obviously,this wasn't my school's one. It's just a picture.
We had Hari Pameran today and it went great. This event is held every once per year where all the clubs and society would show off their things and raise some funds for their club/society. It's cool - really. This year, in the Science and Maths society, we had many things going on there. At the physics side, we had this 'marble roller coaster' as they would call it and I think it's a very ingenious creation of both as an artwork and a science project. The creator of the 'marble roller coaster' said that he followed it from Youtube. Although he copied it, I can see that he's put a lot of effort on making it.

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No,it's not our specimen.I took this picture from the net.

Anyway, we were called on duty to dissect frog as 'samples' and also, both me and Roveen were given the duty to work as a helper at the Biology side. We had Garbage Enzyme, 'plastic banana', mouse for sale/dissect and of course,like every year,frog dissection. Oh and we also had insect preservation. Bad luck on the preservation because no one did it and so,we fed it to the orange tilapia in the aquarium at the back of the Biology lab. Many bought home for themselves the cute little white albino mice. One of the guy dissected it. He literally cut everything,inside out-- from cutting the abdomen to skinning it till it became a carcass, as if a vulture had come and attacked it. For once,I thought that guy looked like one crazy homicide. Together with his skinny body and a face that looked like a drug addict,he'd make one perfect homicide.

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Nope,none of them is me or my friend.I just like putting pictures in my blog

Later,we were given permission to visit the other things that the school clubs and society had prepared. On the way, we bought this preserved dried plum drink and it tasted pretty good. I also bought myself a 'cup',(it was served in a polystyrene cup) of pasta and a cup (yeap,it was also served in the polystyrene cup) of mochi coated with granulated sugar and loads of granulated peanut. It's not me to buy that mochi but I was trying to help my friend because well,she asked me to buy it. It didn't cost much anyway and I guess it's okay to indulge in foods like these for once.

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Anyway, I was trying to find Mr.Lim to ask him a few chemistry question and at first I found him at his workplace but I didn't my book with me and later I found him near the assembly ground but I thought it was a little awkward to ask him when he's talking with another teacher. Imagine if I did that. I would look weird. I choose to ask him today because I thought that he was not as busy as his usual teaching day but I guess,he is somewhat busy.


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(I do not own this picture. It belongs to : TackleTour )

I decided to try the 'Malaysian style' ala Japanese style,fish Catching,as Han Seng calls it and for my first try,I got a tilapia. As for the second round,I was much better in luck because I got 2 cute lil' Catfish! I wanted them so much and was happy I got them. They were so cute.

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Anyway, when it ended, I helped a lil in cleaning up my Science and Maths society. I was shocked to see the few dissection made by the other students. One had the frogs eyeball cut out and some were badly messed but still,I guess it wasn't as bad as the mice dissection that was done by that guy. Since there are a few chocolate shakes left at the Science and Maths society, they sold them off for RM2 and since there were leftover milk, we get to drink them and I poured 2 cups. Delicious!

Alright,that's all for today,

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.