The Lies of the Past.

Monday, July 13, 2009 , , 0 Comments

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You know what? That I should have written down that passage I wrote about me,doubting Mr.Lim's 'quote' and his thoughts.The only reason why I did not write that passage that I have drafted earlier is because I thought that it wouldn't be a nice thing to do and also,well, I guess he sounded sincere and 'from-the-bottom-of-the-heart'. Instead, I have changed almost entirely the whole passage. (You can read the original post here)

The passage that was supposedly be the one below has been replaced with the now current one is right after the last picture of a green present box.

Natasha managed to give Mr.Lim the memento she got from Hong Kong.It seems like Mr. Lim talked alot to them(Natasha went with some other mates) about how he felt having to depature our hyper class. He felt terribly sad. He said :

" Do NOT touch MY 4a9". - Mr.Lim

I was quite shocked to hear him say that though.It's some sort of a happy feeling that he loved our class and well,being me, you guys would probably know,that I'm always suspicious about things before accepting certain facts.I'm being real frank here. You'll never know that your best friend might just be your worst enemy.I'm not trying to downgrade him or any sort but it's just me that this kind of thought suddenly come into mind.Please don't get me wrong.I guess it's me that I'll always be suspicious. (Not all the time but well,probably most of the time.I guess.)

Maybe I should just keep these feelings aside because after all,he's a sincere teacher,judging from my point of view. I should just shut up!

What a big mistake of not writing it down on that previous post.BIG mistake.

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Why am I writing this?Well,this morning, the person whom I addressed as 'teacher in-charge',came into our class and spoke to us about Mr.Lim.She asked us that whether or not Mr.Lim agreed to teach us and take our class back for good.Me,being the 'fast-acting' person,I immediately said: "YES", without thinking twice. She looked at me for a short moment and then looked back up at the whole class.The guy behind my class said :"No",which was pretty true,actually.I was pretty embarassed afterwards - for saying YES without hesitation.

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Then,she told us the situation where she said that someone from our class had personally met her and talked to her about the matter regarding Mr.Lim.My jaw dropped.I was in the state of disbelieve as if I got robbed by a bag snatcher.So shocked to hear the answer,according to the 'teacher in-charge'.She said that she had asked Mr.Lim whether or not he wants back our class after being met by that 'someone' from our class and she said that Mr.Lim gave a FIRM NO. What?!

Is he trying to hide something from us? His 'faked' emotion towards us? On how he 'loved' us so much? I guess it's like a big 'cover-up-lie',as I would call it.A lie I tell you.A LIE.

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Kill.sweet talkers. *okay,the killing part,I'm just joking*
I don't know about you but I think he should have just been honest to us about how he felt having to leave our class instead of 'sweet-talking' to us.He should not have said he liked our class when he did not.Actually,I think he should not even turn up during Biology and say anything to us at all.You know,that day,he gave his message in a way that sounded like this :"I want 4A9 back!" He even said:"If I were given a chance,I would have dropped 4A11 and have 4A9 instead." So now,why is he saying :"No"? All these while,he had talked like as if we,as in our whole class were great partners and that we,had been forced to break up by a certain authority.

What a dismay.

I don't know what are his intention nor his thoughts but I don't like this at all. Not even a single bit!

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It's just a picture to resemble the probable situation

I hate the fact that that particular 'someone' had troubled himself/herself to confront 'teacher-in-charge' boldly and had been let down by a 'No'. Do you know how have our class grieved and tried every means and way to get Mr.Lim back?All of us are disappointed.Very.

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Oh and thanks Natasha for inviting me to your sis's cardiologist friend.I feel honored to be able to follow him/her,if possible during the school's 1 week hiatus in the month of August.I'll have to ask mom about it and -- myself.I'm still debating with myself on whether or not I should pursue my 'more-than-10-years-of-dream-ambition',as a surgeon or now,currently an astrophysicist.I'm really taking this astrophysicist thing into serious consideration.

Alright,I'll end here now because I need to do some studying.

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.