
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 , , 0 Comments

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We had the New South Wales (ICCS) English exam today and I think,it went really bad. I know my English is not up to their standards but I still insist on taking the English test (this is my fourth year now) to look at where I stand. I've never gotten a Distinction before throughout all these years and my highest score was a Credit. Pretty dissapointing but I still appreciate it that at least I did not fail.Anyway,the test was REALLY hard. They had bombarded me (and probably a couple more mates) with crazy, tough words and also, really hard to understand passage. Moreover, the multiple choice answers given were so close to each other that I almost shade every answer space given. It was that close.

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Weng yan and I had been rehearsing for the Oral test for English.It's going to be a duo and we're going to talk about blogging and bloggers and random things around the internet. I know, that we're pretty comfortable with this topic (especially weng yan who's really a professional now in blogging) we still had to rehearse because we're afraid that our English will go 'haywire' when doing the oral test. You know,we,Malaysian had come up with our own language - Manglish (a mixture of Malay and English,we,Malaysians coined that term.) and so, we are afraid we will use that language since 'Manglish',actually has already embedded in our everyday chatter.

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Anyway,during recess, our Moral teacher, Mrs. Yap had gave us an errand to run and so, me and Weng yan were pretty busy during recess. We're distributing out 'fill-in-the-blanks' paper to every morning session teachers and they are required to nominate a student as a 'pelajar contoh' in conjunction with 'Minggu Berbudi Bahasa'. I felt a little embarassed because my spoken English was really bad. I had so many gramatical error when I was talking to the teachers. I know that myself.

We didn't get to finish that errand anyway,we had to continue tomorrow morning until we've given it to every morning session teacher.

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Obviously,this is a picture taken from the net.
We never had such big feast like the above out.

This afternoon is going to be our last Science and Maths society meeting and so, since we've won 2nd place,(I think we deserve a first place. The Chinese society wasn't all that great. They were being bias) we had a small party only to ourselves as a toast to our success during the 'Hari Pameran' We had pizza's and KFC and I pretty much enjoyed the 'indulgence' I had there. After the fun and foods, the teachers were going to announce the next year's line of commitee members and I was shocked. So shocked with the results because I was one of the commitee members.

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I did not ask nor did I even requested to be part of the committee member. All I wanted was to become a normal member. I was really hesitant because I think that this is all so sudden and that I'm really not ready to take the post. I don't know what to do as I feel that - all of the sudden, I've been burden by this post. I was really hesitant that when teacher called out my name, my eyes went wide and if no one were clapping or cheering, I wouldn't go out and show myself. I was really embarassed at that time as I would never have thought to become one of them.
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I consulted teacher and asked her to give me time to think because well, I'm lack of confidence in leading a bunch members. I'm not trying to be 'goody-goody-two-shoe' or am I indirectly trying to show off because really, I don't really want that post so much but well, when I told teacher that I might or might not be stepping down, she didn't looked too happy. In fact she said that I should accept the post because well,the choice had been made but still, I ask her to give me time and she said to give me a week. She wasn't harsh or anything but well,she just looked surprised because well, I assume most people would like to be a part of the committee member. Agree?

I think I might have to accept the post because well, I don't really want to let her down and I'm pretty worried that she'll think of me that I'm such a pain in the butt. I guess I'll just have to get used to this post starting from next year and do my best. I'm still not very sure though..Anyway, wish me luck!

Alright, it's time to go to bed

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.