Collected days of writing

Friday, July 24, 2009 , , 0 Comments

Heh, I'm so sorry I've not been updating for the past two days. I was busy in that period of time. Anyway,I'm so glad it is Friday already because I will have 2 days off from school and am able to update my blog. Okay so this week, many events had taken place and had happen and I guess, most of them was good. I guess I have realized something too although actually,I'm still being doubtful.

Sharwena,Me,Weng yan.
I agree,bad lighting.

Anyway,just last Wednesday, I've joined the school trip to Petroscience and boy,it really made my day. Although, I don't really understand why wasn't Weng Yan all that hippy like she was before the trip. She said she was excited but she didn't sound like it during the trip. I asked her and she gave me that gloomy look and replied: "Maybe it was because of the flu and stomach ache I have". My opinion was that it didn't sound like that was the root of her solemnness.

Other than that, I enjoyed the trip a lot but unfortunately, we were given insufficient time to visit and really understand,learn and explore the whole place. What a bomber. Anyway, we started off with the 'see-how-high-can-you-jump' thing.

Weng yan

Sharwena jumping!

Oh and yea, before we reach KLCC, we took loads of picture in the bus and I got some crazy and random shots.

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Mun Fai and Chun Yew

Sharwena and Weng Yan

SUSU!! and Asthen

Mun Jack and Siew Thong (sweet couple~~)

Jen Ai, Me ( I wasn't ready for the camera!!!), Michelle,Siew Thong

Anyway, let's continue with the trip. Then,later we went back to prehistoric time. It was really nice and great and they had this weird silly dinosaur singing the 'dinosaur song'. It was repeated again and again first the English version then the Malay version (or vice versa, whichever one you want to put first) After that,there's a short spiral like walkway leading down to some more exhibits mainly talking about how petroleum was formed.

The silly dino that sang his song.

A skull model. It's a fake - I thought it was real too.

Oh yea and I did something stupid in the 'make-believe-real' Petroleum rig and there's this instruction where they said :"Touch much like you never did" and so, one of them were without a glove and so since that's the odd one out, I decided put my hand in and touch dilute mud. I didn't realize my mistake and I tried finding for another instruction that says something to further the experiment when my friend told me that I was supposed to feel the mud by inserting my hand through the glove before touching the mud. Oh. There were supposed to be a glove there in the hole I inserted but well, it was spoiled. I realized my mistake and there were so many lil primary school kids around. I wasn't tad embarassed but it thought it was really funny. And so, I laughed out loud.

Don't look at my goofy face. Look at my hands!

I exit the petroleum rig and it connected to more miscellaneous experiments like momentum and stuff - with my muddy hand. Unfortunately there were no toilet nearby. After awhile there, to my surprise, I saw Chun yew's hand with that same kind or mud,too!*laughs* looks like he suffered the same fate like me too!!! He had the same thinking like me about what I thought about the exhibit earlier. We had to hold on with our hands for awhile and well, luckily a kind Petrosains staff helped us by getting through restricted doorway all the way to the toilet. She then later brought us back to where we were earlier via the same restricted doorway again.

I'm going to end this very abruptly.

This ticket wasn't mine. I took it from google search. I was lazy to take my own.

And so,during the last 10 minutes, I quickly glanced through and fiddle through all the instruments and exhibits there. I'm definitely going back there one day. It's not very expensive - only RM10 per entry.

If I were to tell everything in detail, I think it will get too boring.You can read them in weng yan's blog.


You know what? My mom cut her toe yesterday with a butcher's knife. Oh my gosh! when I came back from Accounts tuition, I saw blood on the floor. Loads and loads of puddles! I'm not paranoid with blood or anything but it's like as if a murder had just taken place in my house. It was really messy!!!I found out from mom after I got back from tuition and it went like this.While mom was preparing dinner, the knife she placed on the chopping board slipped and it landed on her toe (very unfortunate) and it made a clean and really deep laceration. Blood wouldn't stop flowing out from the freshly cut wound. Luckily dad was at home and looking at the condition of her toe, my dad quickly send her to the nearby clinic. They gave mom's toe a few stitches and finish them up. I assume that it must have looked ugly without the stitches.

And as for today,we had oral exam and I was pretty surprised that we were able to finish all 21 pairs with just 3 periods of English. That was real fast you know. Weng yan and I made very minimal mistakes (we've been practicing for many times you know) and after that, we relaxed and watched the others with their oral test. I loved these pairs the most : Chun yew and Kok keng; Mun Fai and Suresh (aka susu).

An Alchemy Circle

Chun yew and Kok keng presented a very interesting subject - Alchemy. I guess it is long forgotten since scientist knew that changing ordinary elements into gold is not quite possible and also, other ordinary substance/elements into something exquisite or valuable, instead, now, we would recognize the modern day 'Alchemy' as Chemistry. I actually loved theirs the most and then followed by Mun Fai and Suresh.

Detective building. Not my picture,of course

Mun Fai and Suresh is rather would I say this - humorous and serious -in a way. It was a really short play and at first, I didn't quite understand but later, during the encore, (everybody wanted a 2nd round) I understood it better. Suresh has convicted a crime by stealing a museum piece - a golden bra,size DDD. Wow. Given the object in the play, I guess you would have better know that this is definitely a funny play.

Alright, I'm going to end here because I'm going to study Physics.

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.