
Sunday, July 19, 2009 , , 0 Comments

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Crappy pic -_-

The 2nd day of the week. Nothing much happened today,it's just usual stuff except that I came to school with a new cut. I thought it was BAD but well, not all of them thought so :) Actually, I didn't want it to be that short and that this wasn't what I wanted. The hairdresser was quite a good one and she charge only RM8. Cheap eh? The last time I went to her,she got me the cut I wanted but this time, she didn't. I brought a picture for her the last time and showed her the style I wanted and I thought that this time,she would remember it but unfortunately,she did not and well, I got something else which,turned out, I got quite a number of pleasant compliments from my mates (thank you :D) and also, some not so pleasant compliments too,but well, I didn't really mind much. I suppose it's everyone's preference.

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The winners for Hari Pameran has been announced today and I'm glad that the Science and Maths society won 2nd place. Although, I though that it should have been in the first. I don't get it why the champion was the Chinese society. I think it was pretty bias you know. We've done so many stuff this year and yet,we get 2nd? Nevertheless, I guess I should be grateful that at least Science and Maths won.

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Oh yea, I would like to include some past events here in this post. It's not from today's but from 2 days ago. I went to SMKSP's Food Fair and I frankly tell you that it sucked. I can't even spend RM10 and well, since the coupon per book was RM10, I had no choice but to spend it all. The stuff there were quite expensive and that most of them is not really worth it. I spend all RM10 on foods because the souvenirs and gifts were just not worth buying.Furthermore,it's not really cheap. They have loads of games and stuff and well, I'm not interested at all with those games. I honestly tell you that our last open day carnival,which was 2 years back was much better.
We had loads. We had many sponsors too and that the stuff sold was cheap and nice. Even my tuition teacher,who went to my school's carnival says that ours is a no match for SMKSP's one.

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It was really hot and I was sweaty and all sticky everywhere with all those sweat trickling down my body.I can hardly spend 2 hours there because everything sold there was well,pretty common and that I could get a better price and a better quality than from buying there. The only reason why I spent about 2 hours there is because I was meeting up with some primary school friends and some other people there and that I was also accompanying weng yan. I felt like it was more like a get together than a carnival. I was pretty disappointed overall and I think that RM10 I spend was not worth it. NOT at all.

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Oh yea, I walked back home (the school was really near my house) and on the way back, I found a big moth - death, I was quite sad when I saw it on the floor. Looks like someone trampled on it because it's wings had broken. It's very unlikely for a moth to die, in the middle of the road. Nevertheless, I brought that poor thing home and took a nice picture of it before leaving it on my plant for it to disintegrate naturally.

Alright, I should stop here now. I need to bath and finish up my add maths.

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.