Bad Day

Thursday, July 30, 2009 , , 0 Comments

This is supposed to be yesterday's post but I was really busy that I didn't have time to write my draft out.Anyway...

Warning!: This might offend some of you guys and so,read at your risk. If you don't want to feel offended, skip this 2 paragraph and head on to the next. (highlight to read)
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Biology was terrible.I'm not trying to really insult you guys or am I trying to really offend anyone on purpose but I just wish that you guys would be a little considerate. Maybe you guys think that it is not really important but I think that it is appropriate that we should conduct the experiment again if possible instead of saying:"Aiya,copy others la." I was like "noo...where can liddat?" I felt a lil discouraged actually.They weren't even trying to listen to teacher when teacher is talking about the experiment.

They weren't even that interested when I wanted to tell them what teacher told me. Instead, all of them were totally hooked up with their latest gossips on celebs and stars and news around the school..In a way, I was pretty dissapointed - for awhile.

If you are offended by what I say, please read below what I have to say before you start firing back. (highlight to read)
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Are you even showing interest when I was trying to talk to you guys?Maybe just some of you did show a teeny bit interested and your heads turned back and started talking again. I know, you guys would probably say:"what else can we do?!?!?!?!" Yea, but at least, if you showed interest, I wouldn't be that dissapointed. At least I know that you guys care.

I admit,I'm not a Biology fan - especially with our current teacher teaching us and also, I admit that I sometimes sleep in Biology class but I still care pretty much about our 'hands-on' work you know. I think it's pretty important.

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Anyway,during Physics, Me and Weng Yan had to run more errands that had been been behind our backs for almost a week now. I was pretty glad that I had cleared 2 clubs already and now left with one more. *hurray!* We managed to come back before the whole Physics class was over and somehow, I sympathize our Physics teacher because 3/4 of our mates are not paying a lil attention except when he comes round asking question.Alike Pop Quiz. That 3/4 of the class would include me because well, he has this weird sickness or 'born-to-be-like-that-thing' because his voice is like as if someone had a bad sore throat that had made him unable to speak without that blurry harsh 'bad-sore-throat' like voice and that I got bored after listening awhile and start doing other things. *oops.* Rumour has it that he broke his voice box which, I don't know whether or not it's true.

Other than that, I am glad Pn. Norazimah had made my day during Sivik lessons. She was a great 'clown' I would say. She made the whole class laugh with her funny actions and her little play in front of the class.She is a real hit-the-spot joker.

Alright, I've got nothing much else to say and so,

p.s:Oh and I forgotten, do check out my latest workout stuff at Euphoria.Fitness

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.