At last!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 , , 0 Comments

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Hey everyone! I'm back at last. I was having this last term exam that hindered me from blogging and as well as a couple of other stuffs.By the way, many things has happen since the last time I blogged (that will be a very obvious thing actually). Anyway, here are some recent happenings and events in my little life of mine.

I just argued with my dad yesterday and it was terrible. I don't want to tell you what he said and what I said but anyway, it was a heated argument. I hated the whole argument all the way and I actually, didn't want it to happen, if possible. I was so mad at him that from the moment we fought, I never got down from my room. (I shouted from my room upstairs because I was there initially.) I cried from my room thinking that I wish this would never happened. I can't possibly go apologize because well, I'm such a hard head (you guys would understand my bad personality if you're my classmates). I went for a nice bath and then later went to sleep.
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That's Jesus in front. *I think he's just too cool to be Jesus*

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Oh and that's Paul,the guy with the black cloak

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Jesus has a new look!! (:

Anyway, besides that, I have been reading some biblical manga (note: I don't usually read manga) by nextmanga and I loved it. So far,they only created 3 mangas and I have them all. My church has been selling them dirt cheap especially for Manga Messiah. It is only RM3 per book and it's brand new. No flaws nothing. As for Manga Mutiny and Manga Metamorphosis, it's only RM10,which is still dirt cheap. Those books are priced at RM30++ if my conversion is not wrong because I found these books in their online store selling for USD12.99 per book. I've got to tell you, the characters in the books are just too 'cool' to be them. The apostle and etc are like woah! And especially the main character , Jesus is just too cool to be true.

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We have different arrangement for the front cover in Malaysia.
By the way,that's Eve (in front) holding the fruit from the wisdom tree.
By the way, I don't really like Manga Mutiny's style of art. I wonder why they changed the artist that illustrate the books.I still prefer Manga Metamorphosis and Manga Messiah's art style. It's much much better because Manga Mutiny's artwork is just a little too...what would I say.. a little soft and too girly girly. I don't know about you but I just prefer the artist that have done both Manga Messiah and Manga Metamorphosis.

Grab one from you church or maybe you could drop by your local Christian bookshops.It's a book worth to read because well, it made some changes to me.

Anyway, I got to go finish up my Physics homework given to me by my tuition teacher.

Signing off,

P.s: Visit my photo album at l3lack4ngel

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.