Home Alone..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 , 0 Comments

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I'm not as remorseful as that ice-cream (ice-cream looks happy to me)
but I just felt a wee bit lonely being at home for one darn week..!

In the next few days, I'll be home alone again....for 1 week!! No brother, no mom and dad. After that 1 week, bro will be back home. Even if he's at home, it makes not much of a different. He's just an extra ornament at home. I don't find that with him at home, my house chores would be lighten up. Instead, he'd create extra work for me to do because I'll probably have to cook for his part...a little, maybe. I hope he goes to work more often so that I don't have to cook his part....uggh.

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I have some few events coming up and I am not really looking forward to one of them - the Rakan Muda Camp. I somehow felt a little lazy and I know when I get back home from the camp, no one will be at home. You understand that kind of feeling? I wonder why the h*ll they changed the camp date. Stupid asses. I hate it soo much! If only they did not change the camp date, I'll still be able to bid goodbye to my mom. Gah..! So much for wanting that 'triangular medal' thingy

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Other than that, this Saturday, I am participating in the community service in Selayang. I am not doing it for Rakan Muda but for myself and for the people there. I question myself about it and thought a few times and finally I made the decision to go.I was hesitant but I remembered the last time when I was doing community service in PKKII for my Moral project and I had a lot of fun helping out. I pretty much enjoyed helping them out. Fortunately, Roveen might be coming and I hope Alyssa would be able to come and join us. I hope she doesn't give us any of her 'siew je' excuses. *lol*

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I'm guessing my CG leader would be so happy if I told her I'd come and join together with Roveen. I haven't tell her yet but I am going to after this post. I will also need to call Roveen to ask her about Alyssa.

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Dad has gone out to Krabi,Thailand with his 'biker-friends' this morning at 3 a.m. It's great not having him at home because you'll feel a little freedom when he's not around. Mom and I can go to that Guardian Clearance sale and Mr DIY. It might sound very dull to you but for me, it's enough. I love clearance sale and Mr DIY. I just found out that there's a new Mr DIY in Carrefour! How exciting. I hope they have better range of items for me to choose from.

Alright.That's it for today..!

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.