Not too Shabby

Thursday, July 09, 2009 , , 0 Comments

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This fox is much cuter than her.
I bet the "teacher-in-charge" heart resembles the fox from lil red riding hood.

Aha! This morning,Mr. Lim spoke to us about his current state. He told us that it's hard to get him back as our Chemistry teacher because the 'teacher-in-charge' (I don't want to quote names here) has resigned. What a sly,cunning,
a--hole fox! That 'teacher-in-charge' intentionally resigned so that no one could come and give her 'debates' about the changes in the roster she's made before her resign. Such a fox. A very sly,cunning one.

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Bah! Anyway, our hearts will still be with Mr.Lim and I'm pretty sure his too. I guess so. =x Hell. He told us that only next year he could take over our class and that we have to keep holding on until the year 2010. And so,our petition about having back Mr.Lim has initially canceled but Shin Wei was so persistent and said that we should continue the plan. Woah! She's one determine girl. I guess we should give it a go anyway.

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What a cute panda! Though,I don't look that cute.

Nonetheless, I feel guilty (a lil) everytime,when they talk about the petition. I felt that sympathy towards our current amatuer Chemistry teacher. No doubt she is minor in Chemistry but she studied for the sake of teaching us and tried her very best to teach us. I saw her reading the book on Chemistry the other day while taking care of our class in place of our absent teachers. I would really want to thank her for all her effort on teaching us. She deserve that credit.She's really kind,actually but still, somehow, we still prefer Mr.Lim. Sad eh?

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Anyway,accounts class was canceled because our teacher had some important errands to run. I'm pretty happy with that because typical Thusday is usually not my day. Usually,after school,starting from 4:oo p.m. I'll be having tuition until 11 p.m. It's really exhausting and by the time it reaches 8 p.m. , with all the scurrying around,I'm pretty tired and usually I'll not have enough brain power for that Add Maths class.

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The school bell went off.Whilst walking towards the school entrance,Roveen said that she doesn't understand how can some girls actually have bangs until it covers about half of their face without any sight problem. Being myself, a lil notorious girl,I had come up with a new 'so-called' theory.Here it is:

Smart girls are all bang-less and 'all-tied-ups' while airheads (well,most of them) are the ones with bangs. - Cleo Loong

How's that? Hey,no offence though.I'm just joking.

Right, I have to do some Biology cramming (again) and so,

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.