Community work

Saturday, June 27, 2009 , , 0 Comments

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Woo! I knew I had to do some community work this morning because I've already accepted the request from Mrs. Francis to be the 'warm-up' so called dancers team this morning to lead the group of autistic children in conjunction with the Charity run. It's not very big but it's just a small lil' event around maybe 50 people or so there.

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I jogged with weng yan and I sympathize her because I kinda left her behind (sorry! I don't mean to...) and then she,your typical skinny girl was huffing and puffing because she could not catch up with me. She's already done very good..! :) She was asking me to slow down but I did not. (terrible me) In the end,I had to because she's my good friend and I could not just leave her behind.

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Heh,and you know what? We took the wrong route (because no one told us to go into the forest) We ran all the way down the slope and then reached the 'T' junction leading to the main road,that's when I felt something was fishy and decided to call Mrs.Francis. As predicted,we've both lost our way.Great.Mrs.Francis directed us that we should trace our way home and so we did. We did not complete our run and that was pretty disappointing for me.

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Anyway, I LOVE that place! It's a housing area but there's a forest nearby..! It's super cool and people there are VERY friendly. Although we're not one of the residents there but, people there are so helpful and most of them put a smile on their face when we walk past them. Furthermore, when we're lost, people there are concern enough to ask :"Are you lost?" Wow...I guess this is the first time I've seen the good side of humanity.Nice. I've never seen this kind of a thing in my area before.

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Just to let you know that they're not peasents,they're 'richies',as in they are very wealthy people (you can tell by looking at the houses there - HUGE!). I always thought that usually rich people are so arrogant and so introvert. Looks like I'm wrong. I guess what I've been exposed all along was the very bad side of rich people.

Anyway,I got back and this time,no real life pictures because I was stupid enough to not bring my camera. I did NOT forget but I simply thought that there will be nothing to capture. WHAT A DARN WASTED THING TO DO! I regretted like hell!!! arrgh......That's okay because next year,I'm going for another round and this time I'm going to complete the race and I'm definitely not missing the chance to run with Kumaran. He came late. Late commer!


Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.