The Da Vinci Code

Sunday, June 28, 2009 , 0 Comments I JUST finished watching the show from my very own computer. To tell you the truth, I hate the quality of it.As predicted by my tuition teacher,it's very dark and when everytime the play's background is of dim light or in a dark place, I can almost see nothing but some moving figure.Pretty disappointing. Other than that,the show was awesome! ;)

There are some mumbo jumbo term I did not quite understand but nevertheless, generally, I quite understood the whole story. There's one thing I didn't quite feel comfortable about that movie is where they said Jesus had a wife. (oh my gosh..) And that her name is Mary Magdalene. I'll confess that I'm not a strong follower of Christ myself but to what I've learnt all these years in church, I've never heard any of my teachers/speakers talked about Jesus's wife. I was quite surprised about that.

Isaac's Newton tomb is really beautifully decorated.

Anyway, this last 2 movies I've watched has somewhat inspired me in a way. I liked studying more, everytime when I watch these kind of 'mind-boggling' show. I've also had a new desired place to visit now - the Louvre in France,Egypt,for it's famous Pyramids and also to where Isaac Newton rests in peace.

This movie,has made me wonder how on earth did Isaac Newton actually unravel the whole mysteries of the earth? It's strange really. I really salute him being a genius. This leads to another question - why Albert Einstein is known as the genius on Earth? I mean, I think Isaac Newton deserves that title more that Albert Einstein does. He's created so many formulaes and contributed so many findings that has unlocked so many mysteries on earth that has helped astronomers,mathematicians, and philosophers pursue their knowledge on the wonders of the world.Isaac Newton is our father of Modern science but WHY Albert Einstein was given the title of the most favorable genius on earth?

It's not fair.

Hey,I'm not trying to downgrade Albert Einstein or any sort but it's just that I think Isaac Newton should be the more favorable genius or maybe there's more than just E = mc2. I guess, I need a biography of Albert Einstein now to justify myself why was he more favorable than Isaac Newton.

Alright,that said it

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.