Monday's blues.

Sunday, July 05, 2009 , , 0 Comments

Firstly,I would like to apologize for not updating for awhile.I was pretty busy with some other stuff.Anyway,let's continue...

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What the #$%^!!!!! I don't usually say the Monday's blues thing but this is exceptional! OUR CHEMISTRY TEACHER HAS BEEN REPLACED! And we didn't even know it! what the hell...?! This is a freaking stupid bad surprise! ARRGH!!!! Whoever that teacher who schedule this is definitely a bird brain. A BIRD BRAIN I tell you!
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Well,all of us were so shocked with that that our eyeballs would pop out when seeing her. She was pretty nice but still,we would like to have Mr.Lim back and hey,why is our class the second choice? Why not give us,the kebangsaan class the best teacher instead and giving the 'Chinese type' class the new teacher we currently have? This whole thing is a stupid joke and it's not even funny.

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I guess we have to stay with this teacher for 2 whole weeks before we release our petition form to the 'Peti Cadangan'. We're not going to shut our mouth and just sit there without taking any action. We have the rights to choose and so,we're not going to be stupid puppets.

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We asked Mr. Lim why didn't he continue teaching us and he said that he had to followed the orders from the office. That was hell. I don't understand why they have to squeeze our class in for the new teacher. I would rather have it this way that they'll change our other science-related-subject teacher and leave our chemistry teacher as it is.

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Anyway, me and a couple of my friends (including Weng yan) had been offered the post to be a part of the Editorial Team. I was hesitant at first but well,since it didn't sound so bad after all,I took the Advertisement section together with weng yan. This is not a confirmed post but it's sort of like being in a 'highly-wanted' (as I would call it *lol*XD perasan pulak XD) waiting list.

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Heh, my brother really pisses me off sometimes. He said that I am real fat. I know that I have some 'jiggles' there but he implemented the idea that I am hell fat,like obese. I know he's got some big bicep muscles but he should just shut up because he don't even have visible abs and he's making all that fuss about me.

Yea man, PUNCH HARDER! *punch*

I know his bitchy girlfriend has a nice bod (body) because she was born with it. You know the gene thingy? She was lucky she had it but she a hell f***king brat.She a cheapskate bitch.I can assure you that. Sorry, I know it's bad to say foul language but I really hate his girlfriend.Among all,she the worst I've seen in my life. She has done nothing physical to hurt me but her attitude is the reason why I feel like making her into my punchbag.

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Bitch face.

Let me give you a picture how she's probably like. Paris Hilton. The bitchy rich brat pop star. She comes to our house and act like we're her maids. She made my mom do things (that should be done BY HERSELF) for her like for example, when my mom asked my brother's clothes to be washed,she took hers as well and made my mom do the washing for her (yes,she stayed in our house and everytime,I feel like making her into a punchbag.),including her panties and bra.
My mom,being the 'oh-it's-okay',washed it for her.Being me, I was hell mad that I scolded her indirectly, you know when you purposely shout out loud so that the person you hate could hear you. She heard me alright and has stop 'sending' undies for my mom to wash but still she made my mom wash her clothes. I was real pissed off.The reason why I can't confront her is mainly because of my mom and my brother. My mom told me not to tell her off because she's afraid that my brother would beat me up and stop sponsoring me.(yes,he gives me money every month to cover up for my tuition fee, pocket money and other miscellaneous stuff.) And so, I had to calm down and take my anger off.

There're other more things to write but I guess this would make my post really long and so, since I don't want you guys to get involve or anything,I'll end here.

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.