The real truth of the universe?
Ever since I watched the movie "Angels and Demon", it has made a great impact on my life and have made me think more than ever on the whole universe. Somehow,I thank my tuition teacher for bringing me to that show,otherwise, I would not have watched it. Frankly,I didn't even knew that show was on cinema. Mind you, I don't usually watch movies.Anyway,I loved that show and everything but this show,really got me thinking about the thin line between beliefs and science.
Okay, I went to church today and I tell you, from all those 14 years of my life time in FGA church,this is the one service that I would say,I really made full use of it.Usually, I just listen and never really thought about that talk. I would have just got home 'empty-headed'. But,this talk...ever since I got quite serious into thinking about the whole universe and everything,I listened meticulously.
Whilst he was asking us to imagine before there's the "world" that we see now, I did as told and my mind ponder onto the state that if there's no world,who's us? Most importantly,if god created the universe,where's the 'before-universe'? Who are we? What are we? There are so much question to ponder and think about that I don't know how should I put my thoughts into words.Do you grasp my meaning? Maybe not but hopefully,one day you'll have the same thoughts that I had. I seriously don't know how to explain my thoughts.
Anyway, another question to ponder about,where does life comes from? I mean the beginning of life.Life as it is like,life before the prehistoric times, where life form first started. How did such things happened? According to science, the earth was formed :
"Experts however say that there was no explosion; there was (and continues to be) an expansion. Rather than imagining a balloon popping and releasing its contents, imagine a balloon expanding: an infinitesimally small balloon expanding to the size of our current universe.Excerpt from "All about Science"
Ahuh,to me,it sounded a little like star formation,perhaps? Another question arouse here, why Earth is chosen as the place where life form started?I know,I know,you would probably say because Earth has everything but what I meant here,WHY EARTH ALONE? Why couldn't it be Mars or Venus or some other planets?
The human body can learn to tolerate certain extreme environment,when raised with it and live with it.It'll still continue to live life as it is, like for example,the lungs of a human living near a lower atmospheric pressure (mountains,etc.) has much more larger capacity than compared to human like us,living in the lower region. If the human body can adapt to that,I'm sure if life formed in let's say Mars, from the beginning of time , I'm sure the human body will be able to get used to environment on Mars, together with other life forms. So, my question,again, Why Earth?
Another thing, If 'matter' was because of our existence then who created this thing that now we called 'matter'? (mind you,everything is matter,including us.) What created matter? How was it created?
I'm sorry I had to mumble about this issue again but I'm curious.
Signing off,
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