Pretty good.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009 , , 0 Comments

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I got this from Natasha.

Firstly,thanks Natasha for giving everyone a piece of her memory from Hong Kong. Hopefully, there aren't any H1N1 virus hidden inside one of those piece *lol* It's really kind of her to give each and everyone of us something there and it cost a bomb to her as she told her she'd spend about RM200 +- to buy everyone (including the teachers) the souvenir.

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We went 'teacher-hunting',as I would call it, around the school and we managed to find most of the teachers except that 3 didn't turn up in school today because (rumour has it) they were doing some important tasks. Poor Mrs. Francis took an MC lift and I'm not sure what she is down with that made her unable to turn up to school. Both Mr.Rozaim and Mr.Lim had things to do so Natasha had asked Mrs. Mugil to pick one for 3 of them.

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Natasha made a good choice of asking Mrs.Mugil because she knew exactly what they liked and I'm surprised to find that Mr.Lim is a very auspicious person,according to Mrs.Mugil.He doesn't seem or look like that kind of person you know. As for me, my 'definition' of Mr. Lim,our chemistry teacher is more like a laid back, funny-guy and 'whatever-will-be-fine' kind of person. Never knew he was that auspicious. That was pretty interesting to know.

Anyway, I'm quite surprised that 2 teachers we saw in school didn't turn up for lessons. My friend told me that both of them were also busy doing something. It looks like many are busy around this time of the year.

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You know, I think our Modern Maths teacher is actually not bad at all. I give her credits for that because she actually cares alot about her students than we realize.She'll go round walking and ask whether you have problems or not and if you do, she'll gladly teach you even if you still don't understand. Not that other teachers don't do it,its just that I thought that she wasn't a very good teacher last time *uh-oh* and so,I really think she deserve this credit.

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My Dad's scrambler

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Oh and right,I can't believe my pink nike shoe had a burnt hole IN IT! I was mad alright as that's my favourite running shoe!!!! WHAT THE?! I knew exactly where that hole had come from - my DAD'S (STUPID) SCRAMBLER BIKE! They had this big stupid exaust pipe that is placed exactly beside the pillion's ankle with a layer of hard plastic covering it (and the heat is still hot enough to conduct through the useless 'better-than-nothing' plastic.) I was pretty sad and mad but mom says that it's better than getting your leg burnt. You know,the first time when I sat that bike of my dad's,it had given me leg-burning sensation and that I've to lift my right leg up just to try and minimalize that heat. That bike's designed for off road and so,the seat is so thin that it's really uncomfortable for a pillion to sit behind. It can be a 2 sitter but it's best that only one person sits on it.

Alright,I've some biology revision to cram in.

Signing off,

Cleo Loong

One of God’s many creation on planet earth. Here are just some of the things I’ve learn thus far from life and I believe there are many many more lesson to come in this journey.