Workout of day 3
I had my workouts yesterday and I since I was pretty busy with stuffs, I had to post it today.Anyway, here are my workouts. =D I woke up 20 minutes late. What a bummer.Workout B
Warm up Circuit:
Go through 2 times with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds between circuits
• Prisoner squat – 12 repetitions
• Kneeling pushups - 7 repetitions
Warm-up Superset
1A) Stick-up – 8 reps
• No Rest
1B) Crab Dips – 8 reps
• Rest 1 minute & move on to superset #1
Superset #1
1A) Stick-ups – 15 reps
• No Rest
1B) Crab Dips – 12 reps
• Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets
Superset #2
2A) Stability ball back extension – 10 reps
• No Rest
2B) Plank Twist With Dog Split – 12 reps
• Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets
Superset #3
3A) Plank – 30 sec
• No Rest
3B) 1 leg half squat – 5 reps
• Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 superset
I realized that something was pretty wrong with the workout when I started a SS #1 (short for superset.) I think my muscle targets the same at both exercise which is bad because I can't do the crab dips properly.Sh*t! I need some tweaking on that particular system again. *sob*
Anyway, since I woke up like 20 minutes late, I knew I didn't had enough time to do my HIIT fully and so I skipped about 6 minutes or warming up and warming down.I took 3 minutes from both. It's just a light jog before I really start on the really intense runs.
If you aren't very fammiliar with HIIT runs, here's how I usually do it.
- 5 minutes of light jog (this is for 'warm up')
Alternate between the 2 below for about 4 times:
- 2 minutes run (At a pace where you can hardly breathe)
- 2 minutes active rest (at a pace where you jog but slightly faster than the 'warm ups')
Warm down:
- 5 minutes of light jog (this is for 'warm down')
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